631-472-5500 info@ftei.com

Helping Schools Adjust to New Normal

For more than 20 years, Future Tech has helped K-12 schools and colleges/universities to adapt and incorporate technologies that optimize productivity, streamline costs, and enhance student learning.

Today, COVID-19 has significantly changed how schools and universities need to serve their students, and how administrators and teachers can communicate.

For students, teachers, and administrators, it’s becoming even more important to have exceptional technology skills and social media savvy.

As an award-winning IT solutions provider, Future Tech is well suited to support the needs of school districts and universities.

We can ensure students have the right technology for virtual learning, and administrators/teachers have the right equipment to maximize their remote, work environments.

Future Tech offers a range of support services, including hardware/software procurement, storage, managed print, configuration, imaging, project management, asset lifecycle management, and network security.

We’re constantly investing in our people and alliances with technology industry leaders. Nationwide, Future Tech is one of only eight companies to have earned HP’s Education Specialist certification.

Future Tech can help school districts:
• Enhance technology use and virtual learning program;
• Evaluate, measure, and maximize technology investments;
• Reduce hardware/software procurement costs;
• Ensure cybersecurity best practices are followed;
• Meet local and federal IT education requirements, programs and grants.

How can Future Tech help your team?
Arrange a meeting with one of our education specialists to find out.

Get in touch with an Education IT Specialist.

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