631-472-5500 info@ftei.com

Modular Data Centers, Cloud vs. On-Prem, Hyper Converged

Future Tech helps companies solve their data storage and security challenges. We offer advanced modular data centers, hybrid cloud, and hyper converged solutions.

Modular Data Centers

Future Tech’s iFortress modular data center totally changes the value proposition for a data center build. It’s adaptable, airtight, hermetically sealed, energy efficient, and easy to construct. In fact, with its tongue-and-groove panelized system, an iFortress can be constructed with only a ratchet.

This time lapse video assembly shows how a 1,440 square foot data center was fully assembled in 16 days, allowing it to be operational 8 weeks sooner than conventional construction.

iFortress meets all international building codes for an exterior structure allowing indoor or outdoor use.


Cloud vs. On-Prem

We know that smart data management is complex. No approach works for all situations.
Our experts help organization’s make informed decisions about Cloud vs. On-Prem options.

Cloud Security

Contact our Data Center Specialists today!






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