
CEO Bob Venero interview with GovLoop, speaking about technology trends, and the value of modular data centers

3 Reasons to Shift From Monolithic to Modular Data Centers

An interview with Bob Venero, President and CEO, Future Tech Enterprise, Inc.

For government agencies, a well-equipped, modular data center can be a great way to meet the demand for increased compute capacity while minimizing energy consumption.

A modular design is flexible. It can help meet short-term capacity requirements while avoiding the need to heat or cool a 10,000-square-foot data center.

But, according to Bob Venero, President and CEO of Future Tech Enterprise, Inc., “a modular data center is only worthwhile if it is a true turn-key solution that meets the most advanced safety and security standards.”

Below, Venero, whose company was recently named Dell Technologies’ Federal Growth Partner of the Year (2020), shares his thoughts and recommendations on modular data centers and data center management.

1. Safety, security & SCIF-certified

Federal system integrators and government agencies follow the most rigorous security and safety standards.

“So, any modular data center used in these environments must have the proven ability to withstand extreme weather events, human-made disasters and even unexpected seismic disturbances,” Venero said.

That’s why Venero and his team recommend the iFortress modular data center.

“iFortress is certified as a Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility. “It meets numerous lethality survivable standards for explosion blasts, in sheer, fire and thermal test conditions.”

iFortress units are airtight, weathertight, energy efficient, highly insulated, mildew resistant and all fire/thermal-rated, as well as hydro-dynamic/permeablerated. iFortress is also accredited by the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. It’s completely 705-compliant — the highest standard of data security available in the world today.

2. Easy assembly, which enhances flexibility and speeds up timelines

Using traditional construction, data center projects typically require a multi-phased approach, starting with initial assessments, planning, deployment and management.

By comparison, iFortress allows for ever-changing and swift decision-making and rapid deployments to almost
any location in any environment.

The timeframe from understanding the requirements to a turnkey engineered solution is weeks. Depending on size, the timeframe for onsite assembly to become fully operational is just a few weeks or a couple months.

“With multiple pre-configuration options, iFortress is literally an off-the-rack, turnkey solution in a box that allows for a great amount of customization as required,” Venero said. “It’s completely scalable based upon site location, personnel requirements, equipment density, technology utilization plans and infrastructure redundancy requirements.”

3. Smart data center management

It’s time to change the way you think about traditional monolithic data centers. For example, one consideration that should be top of mind is the use of intelligent power, or monitoring controls that help you achieve a truly “lights out,” modular data center.

With a modular data center, you can scale your infrastructure as you need to without the hassle of large, new build-outs and planning costs.


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